The Transformative Effect of Video Wall Technology in Museums

Video wall technology in museums has become ubiquitous. Discover why this has happened and how it has profoundly affected the museum sector.

Video wall technology is easy to use and install in a wide array of locations and can be used to display a huge array of content, from interactive games, videos, applications, advertising and so much more. Video wall technology in museums add whole new layers of interactivity and engagement to your exhibitions and create a memorable experience for your visitors.

Read on to discover the profound effects of video wall technology in museums!


One of the key advantages of video wall technology over static displays or even consumer-grade display technology is the way it can be adapted to suit a multitude of functions.

National Portrait Gallery Video Wall

Video walls come in so many form factors that it’s possible to find a video wall solution that suits almost any environment. Not only are video walls suitable for a huge range of applications and functions, their functionality can also be adapted to meet new, emerging requirements.


The ability to interact with exhibits and artwork is key to so many museum and culture experiences, so it’s incredibly important that video wall technology enables visitors to interact with it.

One of the main goals of museums and cultural venues in 2018 is to forge a more meaningful connection with visitors, and a great way to do this is by making your exhibits interactive. Visitors can play games, swipe and manipulate 3D models of physical objects, explore information repositories and much more.

Want to learn more about the ways in which interactive technology can vastly improve the experience of visitors to your museum, as well as make them future proof? Check out our blog post detailing the ways in which creating engaging experiences with interactive technology is key to future-proofing museums and cultural venues.

A diverse array of technology and specifications

Not only does video wall technology offer a diverse range of form factors and sizes, but there is also a wide array of technology available to satisfy even the most demanding of requirements.

Bezel width: the width of bezels used in a video wall varies hugely based on the requirements and budget of a museum. The smaller the bezel, the more seamless the join between video wall panels is.

Screen sizes: dimensions across video wall technology also varies hugely, meaning you can find a size of video wall that suits almost any requirement.

Pixel pitch: also sometimes known as dot pitch, this term refers to the optimal viewing distance from a screen in order to make content legible and vivid.

Diagram explaining how pixel pitch works

Want to learn more on the whats and whys of pixel pitch? Check out our blog on everything you need know about LED pixel pitch!

Ease of installation

You would be forgiven for thinking that video walls were incredibly complex to install and get up running, and while it’s not quite a plug-and-play setup process, it’s vastly more simple than you might think! There are a number of ways you can install a video wall, including:

Wall mounted: a video wall can be installed directly onto or into a load-bearing wall. Not only does this save space that would be taken up by a free-standing video wall, but it also makes the video wall look like an elegant, integral part of the museum’s design.

Video Wall Technology in Museums, The Transformative Effect of Video Wall Technology in Museums

Free-standing: video walls can also be installed using a free-standing mounting system. This allows easier movement around the museum than a wall mounted video wall, as well as making the back of the video wall more accessible.





A particularly compelling advantage of video wall technology in museums is the immersive, engaging experiences that can be created by combining multiple video wall displays.

Video wall technology adds a new paradigm to the museum experience, one that is immersive in a way that was previously achievable. By covering multiple walls of an exhibition room with multiple video wall displays, you can transform the room into a truly immersive space.

The Porsche Museum in Stuttgart features a wide, multi-panel video wall complete with touchscreen functionality and a dynamic array of content. The array of displays features multi-touch functionality, allowing multiple visitors to interact with a wide range of dynamic content at the same time.

You can add another layer of immersion by enabling touch functionality on your video wall displays. Allowing your visitors to interact with and effect an exhibition creates a more memorable, affecting the experience.

Are you looking for a supplier that truly understands the importance and impact of video wall technology in museums? Look no further than L Display! We provide a wide array of video wall solutions, with options including LCD and LED, zero and thin-bezel, as well as a multitude of different screen sizes,  to suit any requirement.

We also offer comprehensive control technology, so you can easily display and manage diverse, vivid content across your video wall displays.



Museums and Heritage, Video Walls

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