How to Create a Video Wall Content Marketing Strategy that Engages Your Audience

Video walls are large-scale, eye-catching displays that captivate audiences and deliver messages with visual impact. This form of digital signage creates immersive experiences, leaving lasting impressions on viewers. However, achieving such effects requires careful planning. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the key considerations for developing a striking video wall marketing strategy.

The Importance of objectives and Audience in video wall Marketing

In any content marketing strategy, defining your campaign objectives and identifying your target audience are crucial first steps. These foundational elements guide every aspect of your strategy and shape how you deliver your message.

Campaign objectives – the ‘why’ behind your efforts – help you focus your strategy and measure success. Whether you aim to increase sales, improve brand awareness, or achieve other goals, clear objectives provide direction.

Equally important is a deep understanding of your target audience – the ‘who’ you’re trying to reach. This knowledge allows you to tailor your message, visuals, and overall approach for maximum impact.

Without this careful planning, you risk creating content that fails to align with company goals and may not appeal to the intended audience. For instance, consider placing a video wall in a multi-tenant business centre lobby. Your objective might be to inform visitors about available services and communicating building safety announcements to employees. With these distinct audiences in mind, you can strategically schedule your content – the ‘when’. For example, display employee-relevant announcements during peak clock-in and clock-out times, and showcase visitor-oriented promotional content throughout the rest of the day. This targeted approach ensures that your video wall effectively reaches and engages both incoming guests and building occupants with timely, relevant information.

By focusing on objectives and audience from the outset, you create a solid foundation for an effective video wall marketing strategy that resonates with viewers and achieves your desired outcomes.

What scenarios are the perfect setting to include video walls in your marketing strategy?

Video walls can be the perfect addition to your content marketing strategy when you are trying to engage potential customers. It allows you to showcase your company, product and more.

Some examples of ‘where’ video walls can be particularly effective are:

  • Retail environments to showcase products and promotions.
  • Corporate lobbies to impress visitors and share company information.
  • Trade shows to stand out from competitors.
  • Transportation hubs to entertain and inform travellers.
  • Education settings to engage your campus community.
  • Hospitality venues to enhance the overall experience.

One of our customers, Spearhead Hospitality, exemplifies how integrating a video wall can enhance customer experience and ambience. Seeking to create an engaging focal point for their bar, they installed a video wall to showcase digital art. This installation transformed the space, making the bar stand out as a memorable and unique destination in the local area.

Video walls offer diverse applications, enabling organisations to make impactful statements and captivate audiences.

Types of content for video walls

Now that we’ve identified the sectors and scenarios where video walls can enhance your marketing strategy, let’s explore the ‘what’ – the types of content that excel on these dynamic displays. 

Video walls offer versatile digital signage solutions, capable of showcasing a wide array of content effectively. Some particularly impactful examples include:

  • Brand storytelling: Immersive narratives that captivate your audience.
  • Live event streaming: Real-time engagement with remote or on-site happenings.
  • Product demonstrations: Vivid, large-scale showcases of your offerings.
  • Social media feeds: Interactive displays of real-time customer engagement and trends.
  • Infotainment: Blend of informative content and entertainment to educate and engage.

Each of these content types leverages the unique strengths of video walls, creating memorable experiences that can significantly boost your marketing efforts.

3 quick tips to get you started on a content creation plan for your video wall

After identifying your objectives, target audience and the types of content and scenarios where video walls can make a big impact, it’s time to delve into designing your video wall content. Consider these three key tips to kickstart your content creation plan:

1. Creating a content calendar

A content calendar is essential for effective marketing, particularly when managing a video wall in a high-traffic area. While useful for social media and blog planning, it’s crucial for maintaining engaging digital signage content. By scheduling diverse messages and carefully timing each display, you can maximise impact and ensure your audience remains captivated. This strategic approach allows you to balance various video wall ideas, conveying key information, while keeping viewers stimulated throughout their exposure to your video wall.

2. Align to your brand

When crafting content, it’s crucial to maintain a holistic perspective that encompasses both immediate messaging goals and long-term brand consistency. While it’s tempting to focus solely on conveying specific information or achieving a particular objective with each piece of content, this narrow approach can lead to a fragmented brand image over time especially when it comes to messaging on such a big platform. This approach fosters trust, recognition, and loyalty among your target market, ultimately driving long-term business success.

3. Designing your content in a digital signage platform

Creating video wall content in a digital signage platform such as PeakSignage offers numerous advantages for businesses looking to make a powerful visual impact.

PeakSignage provides specialised tools and features tailored to the requirements of video walls, allowing for seamless content creation, management, and deployment across multiple screens from one place. 

It enables precise control over content layout, ensuring that images and videos are displayed correctly across the entire wall. It can also facilitate dynamic content scheduling, real-time updates, and integration with various data sources, making it easy to keep messaging fresh and relevant. 

Maximising the impact of video walls in your marketing strategy

To wrap up, video walls offer a powerful and versatile platform for your marketing strategy, capable of creating immersive experiences and leaving lasting impressions on your audience.

By carefully considering your objectives, target audience, and content, you can harness the full potential of these dynamic displays. Remember to leverage a content calendar for consistent engagement, align your messaging with your brand identity, and utilise specialised digital signage platforms like PeakSignage for seamless content management.

With these elements in place, your video wall can become a cornerstone of your marketing efforts, helping you stand out in today’s competitive landscape and effectively communicate your message to viewers. Whether you’re in retail, hospitality, or any other sector, a well-executed video wall strategy can elevate your brand presence and create memorable experiences for your audience.

Ready to add the benefits of a video wall to your organisation?

We’d love to hear about your project, so get in touch and we’ll help you find the best solution for you.

LamasaTech is a leader in digital display technology. We support customers across a range of industries including retail, military and defence, government and public sector, technology, hospitality and education!


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