Discover why multi-channel shopping experiences are essential to the continued growth of your retail business. Customers shop in a variety of ways, and so businesses which meet those customers’ needs are best placed to benefit. Multi-channel shopping involves the use of both online and offline outlets, rather than being focused on a single type. Within this, online outlets can include [...]

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Museums across the world are embracing new technologies to deliver immersive and interactive experiences for visitors. At times, the extent to which technology should be introduced in places still largely regarded as temples of high culture and custodians of the past has been the subject of debate – after all, many people like the traditional nature of museums and galleries. [...]

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Looking for inspiration for your digital signage project? Discover some of the most creative uses of digital signage technology. The age of simple, static signage as an effective and engaging tool for marketing, information and wayfinding is had long been over. Organisations are looking for exciting ways to use digital signage to promote their products and brand, as well as [...]

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Discover the transformative effects of the Internet of Things in restaurants. Technology is moving at a faster pace than many of us can keep up with and now pressure to adapt to the latest technology has reached the hospitality sector where the Internet of Things in restaurants (IoT) is having many positive effects on customers and restaurants alike.But what exactly [...]

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Everything you should consider when it comes to wayfinding design principles. Wayfinding is an essential aspect of our everyday lives. In fact, wayfinding is so pervasive that it has become second-hand nature: we simply go about our days using street and road signs, aisle labelling in supermarkets, information kiosks at train stations or airports, and so on. [...]

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Discover how to create a sustainable environment in smart cities, and why that’s essential. Urban planners and city councils in the UK have often looked to the smart city concept as a part of their master planning. There are various frameworks by which a smart city concept can revolutionise the urban environment. Firstly, there’s the technology framework which allows greater communications. Then, [...]

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Discover the profound effects of experiential marketing technology as it has evolved over the past decades. Free giveaways in supermarkets or ‘scratch and sniff’ advertisements in glossy magazines were once the cutting edge of experiential marketing. They allowed the consumer to truly experience the product being marketed even if it was in limited ways. These days, the digital technological revolution [...]

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Self-service kiosks are all the rage at the moment. It’s becoming increasingly rare to find retail shops, restaurants and public spaces that don’t utilise self-service kiosk technology in some form. This has seen the global sales of interactive kiosks – not counting ATMs and refreshment vending machines – reach an estimated $12.1 billion in 2021, a 14% increase over the [...]

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How to increase customer engagement with digital signage technology throughout your business. Digital signage is everywhere you go these days. In any given high street in a major city, you’re going to come across free-standing digital signage displays in the street as well as shop windows adorned with vivid, colourful adverts displayed on digital signage displays. Walking into many of [...]

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Arguably, great customer service has always had more than one consumer dimension but today’s multi-channel shopping experiences tend to exaggerate, reinforce and amplify different customer perspectives. Some shoppers still want an assistant on hand to guide and advise them, but others place far more value on a streamlined service which gets the job done in minimal time. Where convenience and [...]

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