Why Your Business Needs a Digital Signage Window Display?

A digital signage window display is a tool used to present your digital signage to anyone passing by your business’s storefront. As the name suggests these screens are typically placed in the front window of a business facing outwards, with the aim of catching the attention of potential customers in the area. Unlike a consumer-grade screen, digital signage window displays are designed to produce high brightness levels of 700 nits or higher. This ensures that even in direct sunlight the content is still readable. The most common environment for this type of digital signage display is retail, where businesses will use them to attract customers to enter their stores and make a purchase.

Digital signage window displays can have a significant impact on your footfall as 76% of shoppers have entered a new store based solely on its signage. So these screens can give you an increased chance to make sales with all of the additional customers you could attract to your store. Keep reading to find out why else your business needs a digital signage window display.

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Grab attention

Display a variety of content

Cross channel marketing

Quick customisation


Grab attention

The main reason you would want to install a digital window display in the first place is to expand the reach of your branding. This display is able to call out to passing customers and encourage them to take notice of your business. Digital signage window displays, like LamsaTech’s shown below, use screens capable of high brightness levels.

muro in shop window
Shop digital window display

This is what allows these devices to catch the eye of anyone passing by and makes your business stand out. Taking advantage of this digital signage opportunity can significantly impact your sales as 68% of consumers have bought a product or service after a shopfront caught their eye.

With a digital signage window display, you are able to present motion graphics and videos, something traditional displays can’t do. This is significant when it comes to attracting the attention of your customers because video content is capable of capturing an average of over 400% more views than static displays. The motion on your digital signage window display will be what initially catches the eye of someone walking by causing them to look in the direction of your business. Then your digital signage is able to communicate your messages encouraging them to further interact with your business.

Display a variety of content

Digital signage window displays offer you flexibility in the type of content you want to display. You could use your device to display your business information, such as opening times in a static display. This would look similar to a traditional print display. However, as mentioned above, with a digital display you are able to showcase dynamic content such as video and motion graphics. Using video is something you should be taking advantage of with a digital window display because research has found that the average person’s attention span is just 8 seconds. With a video, you can convey your message much faster than with a static or text-based display as visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text. So if you’ve only got 8 seconds to communicate your message you should utilise the method that does that the fastest, which is something you can do with a digital window display.

Another motion graphic you can take advantage of with a digital window display is transitions. If you have a few pieces of content you’d like your screen to show, you can set a transition type that will be how your screen changes between your different content. The easiest way to do this is with a content management system. With this, you can arrange the order you would like your content to appear in the loop and set which transition will play between your content. For example, you could have a still image of your opening times, then have that page slide off to one side introducing a video advert for your latest product, which then dissolves into a poster with motion graphics featuring that same product, like shown below.

Muro window with menu

The benefit of having these transitions is that it adds to the movement shown on your display which further helps with drawing the attention of passing customers.

Cross channel marketing

Creating a unified message across your various marketing channels can help to build relationships with your customers as they recognise your content. It’s also something that is expected, as 90% of customers expect consistent interactions across channels.

The content you show on your digital signage window display can be tied in with your social media and other online advertising. If you already have the content created for your online campaigns you can simply edit it to make sure it is optimised for the screen size and then either, add it to a USB drive and plug that into the display, or connect your device to a cloud-based CMS and upload the content there. Whichever way you choose to add this content to your digital window display you will end up with a display that is in line with your online campaigns. This will reinforce your message, as it will provide familiarity to your customers when they see the advert in your window, helping to build your brand.

Quick customisation

As mentioned above you can use a CMS to control what content is displayed on your device at any given time. With a CMS such as PeakSignage, once your digital signage window display has been paired with the cloud-based system you can set a schedule for what content will be displayed.

 Digital window displays CMS

However, should you need to make any changes or want to experiment with some new content, you can do this straight away. If you are using a cloud-based CMS you simply need to log into it on any device with a browser and upload the new content or make your adjustments from within the content builder. Then you can push it to your digital window display and your screen will update immediately. For example, if your data suggests a certain item isn’t selling well, you could adjust your digital signage to make that item more prominent and then send that content to your window display.

A significant advantage of this quick and simple update system is that it requires no downtime or stopping your content. Traditional window displays would need to be taken down leaving an empty space resulting in a potential loss in sales as you are not able to promote anything during this time. A digital signage window display can be left showing the existing content until the moment you finish updating it on the CMS, at this point the screen will immediately begin showing the new content.


Digital signage window displays are a very cost-effective way of communicating with your customers. For the device, you will just have to make the one-off purchasing payment and then you can start presenting your content. This price is likely to be worth it for your business as you could see an increase of 29.5% in the number of sales thanks to this digital signage display.

If you are looking to use a CMS to control when certain content is displayed, then this will likely require a subscription cost. However, if you aren’t looking to change your content particularly frequently you could simply add your content to a USB stick and plug that into the device, making the display even more cost-effective.

Unlike traditional print displays, you won’t have to rely on other people or businesses to design and produce your content. This means no waiting for your content before your can start displaying it and no additional costs to have it made.

Ready to add the benefits of a digital window display to your business?

LamasaTech is a leader in digital display technology with over 12 years of experience. We support customers across a range of industries including retail, military and defence, government and public sector, technology, hospitality and education contact us today!

You can explore our digital window display range here.


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